Avoid Physical Contact, Get yYour Payments with QR!
The Advantages of Getting Your Payment with Shopinext QR
Free Membership
Minimum Commission
Unlimited QR Code
Easy Setup
Contactless Payment
Tighter Security
Featured Qualifications
Why do users prefer Shopinext QR Payment service?QR Kod ile Ödeme Hakkında Frequently Asked Questions
We aim to change the rules in e-commerce sector as Shopinext.
Individual and Institutional Application
All the Turkish citizens over 18 may make individual or institutional account application.
In Which Devices Can It Be Used
It can be used via devices like computer and mobile with internet connection easily, you can get your receipts online.
Payment Days and Expenses
The payments for the sales you have made transfer to your bank accounts on Wednesdays in working hours. Shopinext, don't take expense for EFT or transfers.
Global Usage, Multiple Currency
Yapmış olduğunuz satışların ödemeleri anlaşmalı olduğumuz TCMB lisanslı ödeme kuruluşu tarafından, Shopinext hesabınıza tanımlanan ödeme günü mesai saatleri içerisinde hesaplarınıza aktarılmaktadır.
Risk Management and Politics
Shopinext may not prefer working with you according to Risk Politics and Management. After the evaluation we may ask for documents or commission may differ. You may be offered blocked working.
About Shopinext
SHOPINEXT ELEKTRONİK TİCARET VE BİLİŞİM HİZMETLERİ A.Ş. 6493 sayılı Ödeme ve Menkul Kıymet Mutabakat Sistemleri, Ödeme ve Elektronik Para Kuruluşları Kanunu kapsamında TCMB lisanslı ödeme kuruluşları ile iş ortaklığı yapmaktadır.